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Sorry, but no results were found.
However, there's no need to worry, we've got a snowboard for just about anyone. Our Burton Guides have the extra know-how to point you towards the board size you're looking for. Please give them a call at: 03-4316-4709
Sorry, but no results were found.
However, there's no need to worry, we've got a snowboard for just about anyone. Our Burton Guides have the extra know-how to point you towards the board size you're looking for. Please give them a call at: 03-4316-4709
Sorry, but no results were found.
However, there's no need to worry, we've got a snowboard for just about anyone. Our Burton Guides have the extra know-how to point you towards the board size you're looking for. Please give them a call at: 03-4316-4709
A {boardSize} should do the trick.
Sounds like a {boardSize} will fit you perfectly. To be sure your fit is dialed, please don't hesitate to call one of our Burton Guides to get their expert advice: 03-4316-4709
You could ride a {boardSize}, but we're out of stock
Sounds like a {boardSize} will work well under your feet, but we're out of stock in that size. Feel free to check out other boards, a Burton dealer near you, or call one of our Burton Guides for their expert advice: 03-4316-4709
You could go either way - a {boardSize1} or a {boardSize2}.
Sounds like a {boardSize1} or {boardSize2} will suit you well. Go bigger for more float in powder or smaller if you're into riding jumps and rails. Need help deciding? Call our Burton Guides: 03-4316-4709
You could ride a {boardSize1} or a {boardSize2}, but we're out of stock
Sounds like a {boardSize1} or {boardSize2} will work well under your feet, but we're out of stock. Feel free to check out other boards, a Burton dealer near you, or call one of our Burton Guides for their expert advice: 03-4316-4709
Get the Right Size Board
Not sure which size will suit you best? We can put you in the right ballpark if you give us your boot size and weight. If you'd really like to dial in your board choice, give our Burton Guides a call for one-on-one expert advice: 03-4316-4709
Pre-Order FAQ
What is Pre-Order?
When a product is listed as pre-order, the product is not yet in stock but is available to purchase from Burton.com. You will not be charged until the item ships. We will provide you with an approximate ship date for your item(s) at the time of purchase.
Please be aware that pre-order dates are approximate and subject to change. We will inform you by email if the ship date changes.